Friday, September 18, 2009

this morning the sky was covered with condensation trail. A criss-cross pattern enhancing the endless blue. soon i will be part of these patterns again and the world will look different again, all together. all these endless parallel worlds at any given time, just stepping in and out of various realities, if we choose too, if we are even aware of it.
i once read a book and if i recall correctly it was called.
*first blue then white then red*. the story was about a woman who 'disappeared', she left the house, went to the nearest bus stop, got on the next but and just left. the story was told by her husband, her son and lastly by herself.. in the end, after many years she returned home because the layers of reality had all melted into one and time and place mattered in a very different way. come to think of it, this book is powerful enough to be turned into a fabulous movie.

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