the blue strings run through the trees in the middle of nowhere. I'm standing on an unpaved street at the bottom of the hill . just a few feet into the woods, the blue string is attached to a large green plastic barrel and from there the string is zigzagging up the hill. what is this all about? is this an art project or a complex agricultural study? either way, it made me stop on my walk and wonder. someone actually climbed the hill and attached this blue plastic string. with a closer look the string turns out to be a tube, a plastic tube. i like the look of it, the light blue tone, the irregular zigzag. it carries great symbolism. for life. for daily thoughts. for daily tasks. for a journey into the unknown or for a path that has been created for us.
on my runs i pass these hurtles and each time they put a smile on my face, encouraging me to keep going in a curious state of mind.
HI Anna, the wicked web we weave... I think it's for maple sirup. Or part of a well thought out plan for an alien invasion.