i can close my eyes and see the city. the streets, filled with cars, trucks, cabs, buses, people crossing the streets. i can hear cars honking, people talking, police sirens in the distance, music blasting through open store fronts. i can see the street vendors, I can feel the pulse of the rush hour. there is an underlying current in the air, the rush from point a to point b, the urgency to arrive, to accomplish, to be somewhere, meeting someone. now. fast. there are the little pizza joints, the small restaurants, the take-out places, the delis all filled with people on lunch break. the clock is ticking. everywhere. the subway entrances spill out people and suck them in. the bright sunlight reveals the dirt on the streets. the boutiques mirror the color, show off summer dresses and thin fabrics. sunglasses are en vogue. will always be. i don't even have to close my eyes. it's all there.. right in front of me. any time.
my favorite dose so far.