Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
this voice has a different perspective, a different point of view and a different take on things. this voice is coming from another world, where so much more insight is available. some call it the subconscious, others might call it 'intuition'. the name does not matter. what matters is to listen. some days the voice is speaking with such a low tone, that we might not hear it. but the voice is there and it calls for attention, it calls for small actions as well as for big ones.
it might not follow our logical thinking. the suggestions might sound silly or dangerous or undoable. but the voice knows better. we love to resist this voice, to dismiss it, to tell it how very wrong it is, or how certain things can just not be done because of this and that. Once we start arguing, the voice withdraws. the voice creates synchronicity,the voice leads. do you remember some moments in the past, when you were thinking to yourself, 'and i just had this idea' or ' I don't know why i did this today, but it turned out that the timing was just right', and so on.
Yet we successfully quiet and neglect this voice time and again.
whenever we don't listen, we miss out on our true self. whenever we don't follow the voice and the call for action, we block the flow of energy. opportunities get lost and we get stuck and lost. there is this little voice. listen carefully, it's our guardian angel. surrender and ask for answers. why are we afraid?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
it is unusually hot these days and the newly seeded grass needs to be watered twice a day. quite some work. an hour at a time - at least.
i did not run. not on Sunday, not on Saturday. i feel strange, how can I describe this. I'm not lacking energy, but at the same time it seems like the energy is not flowing. On the way back from the city yesterday I was suddenly not so sure anymore if the country side is the place to be. Maybe I should reconsider my decision and keep the apartment? all thoughts are floating in a big bubble. nothing makes sense. nothing points in any direction. patience and faith are not my strengths. Am I squandering my life? where is my enthusiasm? what shadows joyful moments? why i am so doubtful? there is some comfort in a routine.
a step, the next step. 7.52 am.. 7.53 am. time is a perfect role model; it runs, regardless.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
changes are everywhere. it's only Thursday for today. for another seventeen hours. it's predictable. it's certain. there will be no surprise. it's beyond my control. seventeen hours to be lived on Thursday. A unique Thursday. this Thursday in my life. What lies ahead. which turns will I take. to whom will i talk, where will i go and what will alter the course of my thoughts? What will surprise me and what will bring joy. will i burst into laughter or will anger visit me today? how much more counting for the rest of the day? how many hours will be spent IN today's day and how many hours will be used as a travel vehicle into the past or into the future? Which steps will i take today that will pave a way for tomorrow and how many will i not take, paving the way anyway.
one minute. 6o seconds. one blink of an eye.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
nothing talked to me. so i finally went into Barnes and Noble. i looked at the 'bargain section', at 'new fiction', at Art, at cookbooks but the more i looked, the more i felt absolutely overwhelmed by this enormous collection of books. and i really think i am creative? i really like to write? who am i kidding here? - the book store turned into a creative joy-killer, a monster that shut me down. finally I got my act together and left this place, all energy drained... i looked at the watch and i still had some time left, so i kept walking down the street and passed an Italian Restaurant with a big 'lunch special' sign. i was hungry but also stingy. with some reluctance, I entered the restaurant and fund myself greeted by a very nice lady. i got a nice table and the lunch choices sounded wonderful. i ordered spinach salad with nuts and apples, spaghetti with broccoli and asparagus, coffee for desert, all for 10 dollars.
and only after i had left the place did I realize, that this lunch was nothing else but soul food, truly delicious soul food. so very precious.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Spring is here.
from now on, if all my planting last year works out, i shall always have at least one flower blooming. But i will see. i can't wait for May to arrive to plant annuals, to accent the flower beds, to get my pots out and ready, to start my herb garden. i must admit, i have been to nurseries a couple of times already, but have not bought anything yet. i planted so many perennials last year and i really need to wait and see which ones sprout. there is almost no room left and i don't want to crowd the beds either.
i wish i had a few hundred more daffodils, so i could cut them and have a fresh flower bouquet in the house too. however, i feel very blessed to have a garden at all. what a gift.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
it's a battlefield. i cannot ignore their voices, i cannot turn down the volume.
i need to create a presence that speaks louder. Or I...... .
Saturday, April 18, 2009
if I really could not fail. - i guess most of the time i thought to myself 'oh, really, what bullshit is this, one of these idiotic mind games, ha. i would be president if i could not fail - and now. see. nothing changes. because this stupid mind game is nothing but a stupid mind game.
it takes me by surprise that it is quite something to think this thought really through, to let it enter my system, to really respond to it. what would i do if i could not fail.
the daffodils will bloom, it's only a question of time. they cannot fail. it might take some time, it might be too cold, too rainy, too windy, too cloudy, too moist, too dry, but they will bloom.
what would i do if i could not fail?
the answers are like little sprouts, making their way through the soil.
what if i could not fail? a world of ideas. but it's so easy to dismiss them by labeling them 'crazy' or 'unrealistic'. daffodils bloom. no judgment. no critical mind.
yellow bright blossoms. at the hight of noon. what would i do.
Friday, April 17, 2009
'No, you can't do that' - 'No, this is not going to work' - 'No, you don't get the job' - 'No, it's already fully booked '. No, No,'s are everywhere and we fear them, we dread them, we try to avoid them. It could be a 'no' to an invitation or a 'no' from a friend or even from a stranger. It could be the 'no' from a doctor or from a family member. any 'no' is a potential bomb that could blow us away and set us back. anywhere. anytime.
But it's actually the NO within ourselves that resonates and makes these external "no's" sound louder and stronger.
just imagine we were not carrying a 'no' within ourselves and therefore all 'no's' were replaced or deleted. then those external no's would be nothing but wonderful road signs, helping us to stay on track, to avoid one way streets and prevent wrong turns.
think about it. i will.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
two hours later the view out of the window is so very different. in a subtle way though. the light is full and bright, the color of the sky has reached it's radiant blue and the moisture on the grass has burned off. the birds are not singing anymore and cars are driving along the road. i can almost feel that the day has shaken off its early morning glory. yet the shadows are still long. i feel awake. there is a restlessness in me this morning. a nervousness. my list of little wants and daily to-do's is long and i wish i had gotten up earlier even before sun rise. i love the magic of the morning. working along the quiet rise of the day is powerful. mornings carry promises. it's all a question of faith.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Easter weekend seems so far away already. i feel very strange this morning, almost lost in a way. the sun is shining, the cat is purring and the house is quiet.
i feel disconnected, locked into myself.
i have no idea or perspective. which way shall I go?
all i know is that I have to move on and find a pathway into the next chapter of my life. the quiet passiveness does not open new doors. I need to get started, i need a starting point. I need to take the first step. I want to. which thoughts can i trust? what is true intuition? it doesn't make sense to give up my new york apartment from a purely rational point of view. but when the idea occurred to me, the other day, it felt so absolutely right and the thought cheered me up all day long. letting go. changes. new. different.
In the last few days my mind produced an endless list with pro's and con's and i know that i could spend months editing new arguments on either side.
i remember that i once promised myself, that if i had a very strong insight, a very strong intuition, i would set sail and go on the journey.
it was an empty promise. i don't sail. i don't count. i sit still.
i don't trust myself and therefore i am my own biggest enemy.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
just a few small flowers are blooming in the yard. the cat and I enjoyed discovering them yesterday. they are spread out. some are white, others have beautiful blue stripes. they are tiny but so pretty.
it is easier to leave the house for a few days, when it rains.. yesterday, during my run, i had moments when my heart was jumping because of the beauty of the land exploding into spring, into the warm winds, into the blue sky, into the marvelous sun. Easter is my favorite holiday and i wish it would be celebrated here like it is in Greece, Spain or Italy. With all the fabulous food and decorations, with all it's magic. Easter is more than an Easter Sunday feast. it makes me angry and sad at the same time that the way life is lived here nobody takes the time anymore to foster these traditions. It boils down to a Hallmark card event and a Walmart dress for the girls and a turkey dinner with friends and family. but there is magic to it, when the house is decorated, the kitchen carries the delicious smell of baked goods, the eggs are colored or painted, the tables are decorated for days on end... it's the glory of spring, of renewal, the rebirth of nature ( not to mention the religious aspect). Easter can lift our spirits, as color and senses come back, the cold winter coming to an end and the longer days inviting us outside. Easter is time well spent when we commit ourselves to the magic of it...oh.. and I must run now..into the rainy day..
Thursday, April 9, 2009
can it be true? it's a bright and sunny day. blue skies and the grass is lush and green and i can almost see the exploding buds on the trees. can it be true? I'm up since three hours and it feels like the day is an endless wonderful path unfolding ahead of me. three hours into the day, into the beginning of Easter. My house is decorated and i might even bake a few more bunnies but before i get crazy in the kitchen i will certainly go for a run. I discovered a new route, a loop around my house, about 4.6 miles long and not too hilly, which is great. the green door will be open today and I wonder if my character will stay another day or two or three or if he's finally leaving. I will see. he has a life of his own and all i can really do is observe his next steps carefully. i have the day to myself and i like it. i like long days to myself. and having this said i feel waves of guilt rising and sentence are popping up "you should not indulge in writing and running but in finding work, you are irresponsible" -
am I really? I'm not so sure. the enthusiasm for life is running through my veins and i can't help it but believe that this is the very right emotion for all else to come.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
'food for thought' as my aunt would call it, and very rightfully so.
these few words carry so much faith and strength. they are based on the belief that there is a divine order in this world, a good orderly direction for everyone. that life is lived in waves and phases and that moving on and letting go will open new doorways and new pathways. even from a purely logical point of view this makes perfect sense. a cluttered mind, that mourns and harbors resentments and anger cannot, at the same time, invite new ideas and concepts. emptiness is necessary for the new to rise.
Since living in this rural part of the country I have a new and different understanding about the seasons, i.e. There is a winter where all is put to rest and it seems like nothing would ever rise again. and yet there is also spring. and the transition between the two, filled with anxiety and patience. this basic truth is yet so hard to live. being "dormant" is very frightening. When I feel lost and without new perspectives or ideas, with no new signs on the horizon it is very easy to invite the past right back in, to fill the emptiness with old clutter, to regret, to be angry, to be upset, to beat myself up, to create a list of why-the-wish-for-change is silly and of course undo able..
and yet my girlfriend simply wrote... when you are on the other side and look back you will know what this was all about... and... you will be there before you know it...
Monday, April 6, 2009
this morning, still in bed and eyes closed, yet awake, Spanish words were dancing behind my eye lids.
I could see some pages from my Spanish book so clearly, as though I were actually looking at the book. i remembered words i would not remember with my eyes wide open. I explain this phenomena with the idea that my brain has taken many 'photographs' of the pages during my lesson last night. with my eyes closed and a relaxed state of mind I can access these images, see them and read them. i remember that i repeated the word for 'guest' quite often. and now, with my mind fully awake and my eyes open the Spanish word for guest seems lost ... .....wait: el huesped. is this the word? let me look it up. Yes it is. it is the right word!. so all these words are stored somewhere in my brain. maybe it all comes down to 'how-to-access-information'. maybe I'm still thinking about the book ' a wrinkle in time', where the Cherubim tells the kids to 'kythe' - to communicate with each other, not with words, but strictly with telepathy. he shows them that all they have ever heard and seen is available to them if they allow it to come to the surface. it might very well be the truth for all of us if we could only find the key to open these memory ports. i have a vague memory that i once read an article in which scientists claim that if we had access to all information at all times, we could not function anymore and therefore our brain controls what is important to know and to use at any given moment of the day... Really. if so, may i please have the remote control? NOW.
I could see some pages from my Spanish book so clearly, as though I were actually looking at the book. i remembered words i would not remember with my eyes wide open. I explain this phenomena with the idea that my brain has taken many 'photographs' of the pages during my lesson last night. with my eyes closed and a relaxed state of mind I can access these images, see them and read them. i remember that i repeated the word for 'guest' quite often. and now, with my mind fully awake and my eyes open the Spanish word for guest seems lost ... .....wait: el huesped. is this the word? let me look it up. Yes it is. it is the right word!. so all these words are stored somewhere in my brain. maybe it all comes down to 'how-to-access-information'. maybe I'm still thinking about the book ' a wrinkle in time', where the Cherubim tells the kids to 'kythe' - to communicate with each other, not with words, but strictly with telepathy. he shows them that all they have ever heard and seen is available to them if they allow it to come to the surface. it might very well be the truth for all of us if we could only find the key to open these memory ports. i have a vague memory that i once read an article in which scientists claim that if we had access to all information at all times, we could not function anymore and therefore our brain controls what is important to know and to use at any given moment of the day... Really. if so, may i please have the remote control? NOW.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
how many mornings can you write about the weather , about the color of the clouds and the sound of the wind?
how many mornings can you write about the morning mood, about the energy you feel when you open your eyes?
how many mornings can you observe the change in seasons, the birds, the various shades of white or green or grey?
it seems to be so repetitive. but i wake up every morning and every morning i look out the window and every morning there is 'weather' out there. i see colors and shades and sunlight and clouds. every morning.
So what does it take to make each morning unique? what sets them apart? is it the level of awareness? I guess it's the willingness to see and to observe without putting a filter in front of us. a filter of words and thoughts, which call for 'same, again, no difference'. a filter that blinds our eyes. - it's so much easier said than done. if i master looking at each morning with a fresh and uncluttered mind i would probably be enlightened.
but i wake up every morning and every morning i see colors and shades, sunlight or clouds. every morning i can start all over again. life is a beautiful lesson.
Friday, April 3, 2009
it is Friday. with a blink of an eye another week has passed. the daffodils are growing and within the next two weeks i hope that their beautiful blossoms will turn the beds around the house into a joyful beginning of the gardening season. the nurseries are already filled with spring flowers and the smell and look of this sea of color is like an aphrodisiac. yesterday I had dinner outside, for the first time. it was wonderful to see the sun slowly setting over the hills in the distance, while enjoying a glass of wine and a grilled steak of tuna. today, however, grey has made its comeback and would it not be for the robins and the patches of green, one could still believe that this Friday is yet another cold and wet winter day.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I'm trying to get all must-do's out of the way so i can enjoy the sun rays later on. I'm eager to leave the house and feel the sun touching my skin, embracing my face and cheering me up.
I'm anxious and excited. i woke up with a gloomy spirit this morning. i have tons of nervous energy running through me and the to-do list in my head start to get longer and longer! a day is not enough to conquer it, nor is a week or a month. i dreamt that i was traveling with a girl friend of mine and we were buying one ticket after the other for our world trip, yet we couldn't get over the fact that for each flight we had to buy a luggage label for 17 dollars. so every cheap ticket felt like a scam as the luggage label fees needed to be added to the purchasing price. the friendly airline representative showed us the names of the people, who are blackmailed by the airlines, because they complaint about this new procedure. i knew most of them and it made me proud and i gladly let my name be added to the list. it cheered my up. and so does the memory now. may the sun burn through the clouds. it's Thursday. at last.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
by-passers will not know why these piles are everywhere. for them they blend into a typical country picture. there are farms, cows, fields and wood piles. nothing out of the ordinary. to me these piles resemble power. these dead trees, these tree trunks piled upon each other are like troops, like an army ready to march. how many years are lying there? how may winters and snow falls, how many thunder storms and heat waves had those trees seen? and now they are silent reminders of a storm, which broke them. And yet they are still so strong. Eventually, some of them will burn in my fire place and the flames will melt away my memories.
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