Wednesday, April 29, 2009

if you listen carefully, there is a little voice talking to you. all the time. most of the time. it's a little voice within you that pops up at various moments and has a message for you. it could be something small and simple, like 'check that door' or  'do the grocery shopping now'. suggestions or ideas, easy to follow, easy to neglect. nothing out of the ordinary - at least it seems to be that way. 
this voice has a different perspective, a different point of view and  a different take on things. this voice is coming from another world, where so  much more insight is available. some call it the subconscious, others might call it 'intuition'. the name does not matter. what matters is to listen. some days the voice is speaking with such a low tone, that we might not hear it. but the voice is there and it calls for attention, it calls for small actions as well as for big ones. 
it might not follow our logical thinking. the suggestions might sound silly or dangerous or undoable. but the voice knows better. we love to resist this voice, to dismiss it, to tell it how very wrong it is, or how certain things can just not be done because of this and that. Once we start arguing, the voice withdraws. the voice creates synchronicity,the voice leads. do you remember some moments in the past, when you were thinking to yourself, 'and i just had this idea'  or ' I don't know why i did this today, but it turned out that the timing was just right', and so on. 
Yet we successfully quiet and neglect this voice time and again.
whenever we don't listen, we miss out on our true self. whenever we don't follow the voice and the call for action, we block the flow of energy. opportunities get lost and we get stuck and lost. there is this little voice. listen carefully, it's our guardian angel. surrender and ask for answers. why are we afraid?

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