Saturday, April 4, 2009

how many mornings can you  write about the weather , about the color of the clouds and the sound of the wind?
how many mornings can you write about the morning mood, about the energy  you feel when you open your eyes?
how many mornings can you observe the change in seasons, the birds, the various shades of white or green or grey?
it seems to be so repetitive. but i wake up every morning and every morning  i look out the window and every morning there is 'weather' out there. i see colors and shades and sunlight and clouds. every morning.  
So what does it take to make each morning unique? what sets them apart? is it the level of awareness? I guess it's the willingness to see and to observe without putting a filter in front of us. a filter of words and thoughts, which call for 'same, again, no difference'. a filter that blinds our eyes.  - it's so much easier said than done. if i master looking at each morning with a fresh and uncluttered mind i would probably be enlightened. 
but i wake up every morning and every morning i see colors and shades, sunlight or clouds. every morning i can start all over again. life is a beautiful lesson.

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